Symptoms -Remedy -Dose

1-Violent pain ,better hard pressure ,umbilical region    Colocynth-30      3 hourly
2-Food lies like a stone in the stomach,stools hard,constipated,desire to lie quietly.
Brynia-30 or 200 - 2 hourly
3-Shooting pain,Hysterical colic  Ignatia-30 or 200 3 hourly
4-Stitching pain,worse movements,colicky,before menses. Kali Carab-30 or 200 3 hourly
5-Pain spasmodic,cutting,soon after eating,- Kali bich-30 3 hourly
6-With soreness above pelvis.Verat-vir 30 3 hourly
7-Pain after discharging flatus excessively ,worse eating rich ,fatty food.-Pulsatilla 30 3 hourly
8-Radiating to other parts  Plumbum met. 30 3 hourly
9-In upper abdomin ,stools hard,constipated, Graphites 30 3 hourly
10-In front portion of abdomin ,tongue clean, Ipecac 30 3 hourly
11- In lower abdomin  Viburnum op.30 3 hourly
12-In hypogastrium  Cimicifuga 30 3 hourly 
13-Pain suddenly shifts and appears in distant parts like in fingers and toes.pain better bending backwards and stretching the body. Dioscoren 30 3 hourly
14-After abdominal operation ,indignation Staphysagria 30 or 200 4 hourly
15-After over eating ,due to sedentary habits Nux vomica 30 3 hourly
16-Voilent ,spasmodic pain,better by hot drinks/applications Magnesia phos 6x or 30 2 hourly 
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